
At RM-Parts, we believe in rewarding our customers for their loyalty and commitment to quality. That's why we're thrilled to offer discounts on larger orders exceeding 2000 EUR. We understand that every customer and inquiry is unique, which is why we meticulously evaluate each inquiry individually. Our dedicated team takes into account various factors such as part groups, specific needs, and preferred brands to ensure that you receive the best possible discount tailored to your requirements.

Whether you're looking to stock up on essential car parts for your business or seeking a comprehensive solution for your automotive projects, our discount program is designed to accommodate your needs. With our flexible approach, you can rest assured that you'll receive competitive pricing and exceptional value on your bulk orders.

Cooperation (B2B)

At RM-Parts, we pride ourselves on fostering strong partnerships and collaborations with businesses worldwide. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond borders, allowing us to serve a diverse range of clients including bulk customers, parts resellers, workshops, restoration, and tuners.

With our extensive network and global reach, we offer seamless cooperation opportunities to businesses seeking reliable suppliers for their automotive needs. Whether you're looking to source high-quality car parts(genuine and aftermarket) in bulk or establish a long-term partnership with a trusted supplier, we're here to support your business goals every step of the way.

From competitive pricing and flexible payment options to personalized service and efficient logistics, we strive to exceed your expectations and deliver unparalleled value. Join us in our mission to drive innovation, quality, and efficiency in the automotive industry, and let's build a successful partnership together.

Our clientele spans across the globe, reaching customers in prominent countries such as Israel, China, Thailand, USA, Canada, Jamaica, and many more. No matter where you are located, we are dedicated to providing exceptional service and meeting your automotive needs with precision and professionalism.